/ Tibia/ Open Tibia Server

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#1 2008-03-30 01:27:41

De Javu


Zarejestrowany: 2008-03-29
Posty: 13
Punktów :   

Config.lua - opis funkcji

Poniżej jest zawartość pliku config.lua w Evolution Ots. W innych silnikach zawartosc powinna byc podobna. Pogrubione zdania to są wytłumaczenia funkcji. Że nie jestem perfekt, mogą być w tym tekście błędy ortograficzne. Poradnik jest dla doświadczonych graczy, którym RL się znudził i bawią się w hostowanie otsa. :]

Nie warto kopiowac tego do config.lua:


-------- config.lua --------
-- Config file for OTServ --

-- data directory location Czyli folder gdzie masz info o postaciach, mape, monstery, items itp. Najlepiej nie zmieniać
datadir = "data/"

-- map location Lokacja mapy, jak zmieniasz mape to zmien tez to
map = "data/world/evolutions.otbm"

-- mapkind Typ twojej mapy, zmieniaj tylko jak mapa jest innego typu.
-- options: OTBM for binary map, XML for OTX map
mapkind = "OTBM"

-- map store location (for XML only) Zbior map, tylko XML.
mapstore = "data/world/evolutions-mapstore.xml"

-- house store location (for XML only) Zbior domow, tylko XML.
housestore = "data/world/evolutions-housestore.xml"

-- bans storage (for XML only) Zbior banow (brrrrrr...) tylko XML.
banIdentifier = "data/bans.xml"

-- server name Nazwa serwera.
servername = "Evolutions 7.92 RPG"

-- server location Lokacja otsa.
location = "Poland"

-- server ip (the ip that server listens on) Ip,zmien na swoje lub dns, z twoim otsem, jak nie chcesz grac na localhoscie.
ip = ""

-- server port (the port that server listens on) Port, zwykle 7171.
port = "7171"

-- server url Strona serwera.
url = ""

-- server owner name Imie wlasciciela serva.
ownername = "Lorak"

-- server owner email Email gma.
owneremail = ""

-- world type Typ otsa, pvp, no-pvp pvp-enforced.
-- options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp"

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) Czas Exhausted, czyli kiedy musisz konczyc spamowac runami.
exhausted = 1000

-- exhausted time in ms for non-aggressive spells (1000 = 1 second) To co up, ale dla czarow nie ofensywnych.
exhaustedheal = 1000

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1 second) Czyli jak jestes exhausted to dodaje ci exha
exhaustedadd = 200

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1 second) Czyli ile musisz czekac po walce by sie muc wylogowac.
pzlocked = 60*1000

-- house rent period Czyli co ile sie placi za cztery katy
-- options: daily, weekly, monthly
houserentperiod = "weekly"

-- motd (the message box that you sometimes get before you choose characters) Jak sie zalogujesz to ten bullshit ci wyskakuje.
motd = "Welcome to Evolutions 7.92 RPG. Please choose your character."
motdnum = "1"

-- login message Wiadomosc po loginie? Nie wiem, zaraz zalatam ;|
loginmsg = "Welcome to Evolutions 7.92 RPG. For help visit"

-- how many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled Czyli proby zalogowania sie, inaczej jak gosc proboje cie shakowac, zgadujac acc i passa. Jak haker przekroczy limit prob, konto jest na jakis czas zablokowane.
-- set to 0 to disable
logintries = 0

-- how long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip) Czyli czas pomiedzy probami hackow
retrytimeout = 60*1000

-- how long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again Ile haker musi czekac by ponownie moc probowac hackowac, kiedy konto jest zablokowane.
logintimeout = 0

-- allow clones (multiple logins of the same char) Doskonale dla acc-sharerow, mozna jednoczesnie na jednej postaci siedziec.
-- options: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
allowclones = 0

-- max number of players allowed Maksymalna ilosc graczy.
maxplayers = "100"

-- SQL type Nie wiem, do zalatania.
-- options: mysql, sqlite
sql_type = "mysql"

--- MySQL part (ignore if you are using SQLite) Nie wiem, do zalatania.
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db = "otserv"

--- SQLite part (ignore if you are using MySQL) Tez nie wiem
sqlite_db = "db.s3db"

---------------------------- Evolutions Basic Configuration ----------------------------
Podstawowa konfuguracja otsa

-- world name (shows in the character list) Nazwa otsa.
worldname = "Evolutions 7.92 RPG"

-- time to save the server (default = 5) Czas na autosave.
autosave = 10

-- do you want to enable cap system? (yes/no) Wlaczenie capa.
capsystem = "no"

-- anti-afk - maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min) Ile masz afkowac, bys dostal kicka.
kicktime = 15

-- how many summons player can have Ile summonow gracz moze miec.
maxsummons = 2

-- maximum items in depot Najwiecej itemow w depo.
maxdepotitems = 1000

-- learn spells (yes/no) Uczenie sie zaklec.
learnspells = "no"

-- do you want everyone to have premium Darmowy premmy.
freepremium = "no"

-- remove ammunation? (bolts/arrows) Nieskonczonosc boltow i arrowow. "No" to nieskonczonosc.
removeammunation = "yes"

-- remove rune charges? (sd/hmm/gfb) Nieskaczonosc run. "No" to nieskonczonosc.
removerunecharges = "yes"

-- use item hotkeys? (yes/no) Uzywanie hotkeyow do itemow.
itemhotkeys = "yes"

-- shoot trough battle window on players? (yes/no) Strzelanie przez battle window z run.
battlewindowplayers = "yes"

-- use account manager? (yes/no) Uzywanie acc managera.
accountmanager = "yes"

-- summon follows master everywhere Summon lazi za mistrzem.
summonsfollow = "yes"

-- allow outfit change Zmienianie outfitu.
outfitchange = "yes"

-- damage to players with the same feet Yyyyy...
feetdamage = "yes"

-- guild system type (SQL only)(ingame/online): Typ gildii.
-- online guild system requires the latest Swelia AAC
guildsystem = "ingame"

----------------------------------- Multipliers -----------------------------------

-- experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters) O ile razy szybciej zbierasz exp na otsie niz w rlu.
expmul = 10

-- experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players) To co up, ale na pvp-enforced.
expmulpvp = 2

-- monster lootrating (how much faster you get items from monsters): Ile razy wieksza szansa na zdobycie rarow.
lootmul = 1

-- skill multiplier (another multiplier in data/vocations.xml) Ile razy szybciej wbijasz skile.
skillmul = 1

-- manaspent multiplier (another multiplier in data/vocations.xml) ???
manamul = 1

-- how many monsters spawn at a time in 1 spawn Ile monsterow sie spawnuje naraz.
spawnmul = 1

-- Price for each SQM when buying a house Koszt za 1 SQM domu.
houseprice = 200

-- level to buy a house Level do posiadania domu.
houselevel = 20

-- maximum death entries per player: ????
maxdeathentries = 10

-- max message buffer (default = 4) Jak szybko dostajesz mute.
-- how fast you get muted
messagebuffer = 4

-- how much % of {exp, mana, skill, eq, bp} do you lose when dying Ile exp, many, skilla, eq, bp tracisz po deadzie.
diepercent = {"7", "7", "7", "7", "100"}

-------------------------- Skull System configuration -------------------------

-- time to lose a white skull (1 = 1 minute) Czas do znikniecia white skulla.
whitetime = 15

-- time to lose one frag (1 = 1 minute) Czas do znikniecia white skulla po fragu.
fragtime = 1*60

-- ban unjust, how many frags you need to get banned (1 = 1 frag) Ile fragow musisz miec do bana.
banunjust = 6

-- red skull unjust, how many frags you need to get a red skull (1 = 1 frag): Ile fragow do rsa.
redunjust = 3

-- bantime, for how long the player is banned (1 = 1 hour) Na ile masz bana od fragow.
bantime = 24*1

------------------------------- GM access rights --------------------------------
1 to tutor, 2 to senior tutor, 3 to gm.

-- access to walk into houses and open house doors Mozliwosc gma wejscia do domu.
accesshouse = 3

-- access to login without waiting in the queue or when server is closed Mozliwosc wejscia bez czekania lub kiedy serwer jest zamkniety.
accessenter = 1

-- access to ignore damage, exhaustion, cap limit and be ignored by monsters Mozliwosc ignorowania dmgu, exha, capa i monsterow.
accessprotect = 3

-- access to broadcast messages and talk in colors (#c blabla - in public channels) Mozliwosc pisania kolorowo.
accesstalk = 1

-- access to move distant items from/to distant locations Mozliwosc przenoszenia itemow w dystansie.
accessremote = 3

-- access to see id and position of the item you are looking at Mozliwosc widzenia id itemow na ktore patrzysz.
accesslook = 2



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